Hello visitors of Skullsite,
Our webmaster Jan Jansen has given the Skullsite a complete makeover (a work in progress, so be patient please), and one of the new features is a Bone Blog. Here I plan to post interesting information on skulls and skeletons, tutorials on preparation and other things that may come up, as soon as I’ve figured out how this thing works (I’m not exactly an IT expert). I have a rather busy life with my family and two jobs: biology teacher at a grammar school and curator of Experimental Zoology at Wageningen University, but I hope to be able to post regularly. Your feedback will be most welcome.
Wouter van Gestel, curator

Ik vind jullie website geweldig, en mask vaak gebruik ervan bij het prepareren van vondsten.
What an amazing site and resource! Thank you!
geweldige site.
worden de schedels ook na gemaakt, dat ze ook verkocht kunnen worden?
Love your site. It’s a great resource. Thought you might also like to know I’m doing similar work with the bird skeletons for the Museum of Zoology in Cambridge – which might be useful to others.
I just found your site. I’m an artist near Seattle and am recently captivated by bird skulls. The 3D Feature you have is indispensable for my purposes ( ceramic sculpture mainly). I also really like the entire site layout, typeface and organization. It’s so bright and airy and easy to use. he organization of info is excellent , especially being able to search by shape and size. Thank so much for your work.
Could you write something about this how do you measure bird skulls?
Wouter van Gestel is still alive?
Thanks for your wonderfull site! I’ve prepared a bird skull myself, but find it hard to identify the exact species. Can I ask your help by sending photos? To what mailaddress? Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks, Chris
Hi Chris,
You can send your pics to the address provided on the home page, just click on one of our names and send your questions,
Kind regards, Jan
Super site!
Beetje jaloers zelfs.
You prepare skulls and skeletons by letting microbes eat the soft tissue.
Do you have any experience with Biotex (the washing detergent)?
I’ve used this and find the odeur a lot less ‘assaulting’.
Wonder about you thoughts about this.
Further, Do you leave animals outside to let flies and beetles do most of the work, like I do? Or not? If not, why not?
Keep up the excellent work.
You helped me recognise some bird skulls using the measurements on your site. Thnx
Prettige dag vanuit Vlaanderen
What a wonderful site! I came home with a great blue heron skull today. I wasn’t sure until I compated it with yours using the custom search. A perfect match, I might add!
Thank you so much for this awesome research tool!