Skullsite is updating

Welcome to 2.0. After 17 years of duty, the ‘old’ skullsite which had become quite deprecated is finally replaced by a brand new one. We received more than a million visitors since the year 2000, and we hope to continue to attract a lot of visitors from all over the world who share our passion and are interested in birds, bird skulls and anatomy, biology and so on.

Almost 1600 species of birds are present in the database. The custom search functionality that used to be present in the old days is not yet implemented yet, we are working on it.  For determination purposes use the search form  at the bottom of this page to look for species you are interested in, or go to the order and family overview  to browse the photo’s.

If you have any suggestions or questions about the website or anything else, we are happy to hear or answer them. You can leave a reply on this message.


Jan Jansen


12 Replies to “Skullsite is updating”

  1. I have collected skulls since I have been about 10. Later giving up a few hundred to the Royal Botanical Gardens along with my Butterfly and Insect collection. I am now moving towards 60 years of age, however I have found your site in the past an incredible benefit and excellent resource. In a world that man is destroying at an astounding rate, to have a resource such as this at one’s finger tips is incredible. There is no other site for bird skulls that comes even close to what you have done that I am aware of. I give to you a word of Excellence in the preservation of vital and important understanding and knowledge of the Skulls of Birds world wide. Thank you for all your time consuming work that has likely seemed endless at moments. John William Payne, ON. Canada. P.S. I have engaged in a study of our planet for the last 20 years. And submitted my findings world wide to the Girl Guides and Boy Scouts of the world in hopes to bring prayers to our planet and help. As long with sending it to others. It too at the moment needs updating, however if there is any interest in you have in looking at it, please ask for it. It can be sent by email.

    1. Hi, I’m currently on a phD Thesis of the osteology of the Procellariiformes, and your page is very helpfull with those species that I don’t have in the local Museums (I’m from Argentina).
      I hope you don’t mind if I ask you if these skulls are a private collection or they have a repository number in a Museum. Also, if it would be possible in some future to ask specific photos of your specimens.
      Again, thanks a lot for all the information you’re sharing. This is very helpful for Science!

  2. Hi, I am currently looking for bird skulls for using in art, and similar activities. In particular I’m looking for falconidae skulls, but other as well. Is it possible for me to download photos from your site?
    Thank you.

    1. Hello, you can use photographs for educational purposes. Photographs are not allowed to be published anywhere without credits or notification.
      Cheers, Jan

      1. Main use would be as a sample to look at for creating artistic work like paintings, drawings or 3d models of birds and similar. It is not my intention to publish your photographs.

        Thank you 🙂

  3. Hello! Absolutely love your website. It has personally been an invaluable resource to help with identification and is the largest single collection of data and documentation I have ever seen. The fact that it is freely available is so fantastic. I cannot thank you two enough. Your cleaning and preparation techniques are spectacular and your bill sheath preservation methods produce absolutely flawless specimens which you capture so brilliantly with perfect photographs. Was wondering if you have any plans of publishing a book? I would very gladly pay to have this collection in a permanent, printed form to scroll through and take into the field. Thanks so much again for your tremendous contribution to several fields of research, it really is a marvelous feat.


  4. The new website is simply great! However I was very fond of the “Skull quiz”, will it appear again? (I hope so). Thanks a lot for your incredible work!.

  5. Hi, you have a very impressive collection of skulls on this site. I’d like to use a parrot’s skull image on an educational website that I am working on – would this be possible? I will definitely credit you and link back to your site. I may modify the image slightly in the sense that I would need to label the parts of the skull and talk about each part in my article.

  6. Greetings,
    I have a large old bird skull that I have had no luck finding what bird it came from. Can you recommend a website where I can submit images to possibly identify it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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