Lepidocolaptes fuscus (Lesser Woodcreeper)

Lesser Woodcreeper

Dutch: Kleine Muisspecht

Order: Passeriformes
Family: Dendrocolaptidae
Genus: Lepidocolaptes
Species: Lepidocolaptes fuscus

Many thanks to the Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, for allowing us to photograph this specimen.

Side, top and bottom view of skull. (Click on image to enlarge)

Length: 48 mm
Length cranium: 20 mm
Width (cranium): 17 mm
Height (cranium): 12 mm
Alternative names: Xiphorhynchus fuscus (sc) Schlankschnabel-Baumsteiger (German), Grimpar brun (French), Trepatroncos Enano (Spanish)
